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Google Drive Download Link Generator

Google Drive Direct Link Generator


This tool allows you to generate a direct download link to files you have stored in Google Drive. A direct link will immediately start downloading the file, rather than opening a preview of the file in Google Drive.


  • Make sure your file's visibility in Google Drive is set to "Anyone with the link". If it's set to "Restricted" then only people who are logged in to Google and have been granted access to the file will be able to open the direct link (which probably isn't what you want).
  • This only works for uploaded files, not documents created in Google Docs/Sheets/Slides.
  • If your file is very large, the direct link may first open a page saying that the file is too large for Google to scan for viruses. That page will have a button to download the file.

How to Get Your Sharing URL

Step 1: Go to Google Drive and right click the file that you want to share, then click on "Get shareable link"

Step 2: In the window that comes up, change the visibility to "Anyone with the link"

Step 3: Click "Copy link"

Step 4: Paste that link into the text box above and click "Create Direct Link" to create your link. Enjoy!

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